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Military Surveillance & Electro-Optics Event
The rapidly evolving landscape of military surveillance and electro-optics demands a collaborative platform where armed forces, defense industry professionals, and researchers can converge to explore the latest advancements, share insights, and foster innovation. To focus on this need, Centre for Joint Warfare Studies and Indian Military Review are organising a seminar on Surveillance & Electro-optics” which will include Terrestrial, Aerial and Space-based, Maritime and Underwater Surveillance, and Research & Development within the realm of military surveillance and electro-optics.
The primary objectives of the seminar are to:
(a) Review Latest Advancements. Provide a detailed overview of the cutting-edge technologies and innovations in the field of military surveillance and electro-optics.
(b) Facilitate Collaboration. Bring together armed forces and the defense industry to facilitate meaningful discussions, enabling them to better understand each other's requirements and capabilities.
(c) Knowledge Exchange. Foster a platform for knowledge exchange, where participants can share experiences, best practices, and lessons learned.
(d) Research & Development Showcase. Highlight the latest developments in research and development, encouraging collaboration between academic institutions, research organizations, and industry players.
Seminar Structure
The seminar will be organized into four key segments, each focusing on a specific aspect of military surveillance and electro-optics.
(a) Terrestrial Surveillance. To include:
(i) Advances in Ground-Based Radar Systems.
(ii) Unmanned Ground Vehicles for Surveillance.
(iii) Night Vision Technologies for Land Forces.
(iv) Sensor Integration and Data Fusion on the Battlefield.
(b) Aerial and Space-Based Surveillance. To include:
(i) Satellite-based Earth Observation Systems.
(ii) High-Altitude Long-Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
(iii) Advancements in Airborne Reconnaissance Systems.
(iii) Space-based Imaging Technologies for Military Applications.
(c) Maritime and Underwater Surveillance. To include:
(i) Underwater Drones and Autonomous Submersibles.
(ii) Naval Surveillance Radar Systems.
(iii) Satellite-based Maritime Domain Awareness.
(iv) Sonar Technologies for Submarine Detection.
(d) Research & Development. To include:
(i) Emerging Technologies in Electro-optics.
(ii) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Surveillance.
(iii) Materials Innovation for Stealth Technologies.
(iv) Quantum Technologies in Military Surveillance.
Expected Outcomes
(a) Enhanced Collaboration. Forge new partnerships and strengthen existing collaborations between armed forces and the defense industry.
(b) Informed Decision-Making. Equip participants with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions regarding procurement, strategy, and technology adoption.
(c) Networking Opportunities. Provide a platform for networking, allowing participants to connect with experts, researchers, and industry leaders in the field.
(d) Future Roadmap. Contribute to the development of a shared vision and roadmap for the future of military surveillance and electro-optics.
The seminar on Military Surveillance & Electro-optics aims to be a catalyst for progress in the field, fostering collaboration and innovation among key stakeholders. By bringing together the armed forces, defence industry, and research community, the event will contribute to the advancement of technologies that play a critical role in ensuring
0830 – 0930 hrs Welcome Tea
SESSION 1 – INAUGURAL SESSION (0930 – 1045 hrs)
Welcome Address Director, Maj Gen (Dr) Ashok Kumar, VSM, Retd, Director, Centre for Joint Warfare Studies.
Inaugural Address Lt Gen DS Rana, AVSM, YSM, SM, Director General, Defence Intelligence Agency.
Keynote Address Air Mshl Surat Singh, AVSM, VM, VSM, Director General Air Ops, Air HQ.
Special Address Dr BK Das, OS & DG Electronics & Commincation (ECS), DRDO
Industry Perspective Col KV Kuber, Director Defence & Aerospace, Ernst & Young.
Release of Report EY-IMR Knowledge Paper on Surveillance & Electro-optic Devices
1045 – 1115 hrs Refreshments & exhibition.
Chairperson: Brig JS Sidhu, Brig (T&WS), Army Design Bureau.
1115 – 1130 hrs Introduction and Opening Remarks by the Chairman.
1130 – 1145 hrs Surveillance of the Battlefield and present status of Project Sanjay. Brig Ops, Anurag Asthana, Brig Ops, Artillery Directorate, Army HQ.
1145 – 1200 hrs Challenges in Border Surveillance at Night. Sh Madhukar, IG (Ops), FHQ, BSF.
1200 – 1215 hrs Latest developments in tracking threats and C&R for Air Defence. Col Sameer Babu, Colonel (C&R), Army AD Directorate, Army HQ.
1215 – 1230 hrs Electro-Optics: Shaping Modern Warfare & Defense Strategies -Learnings, Lessons & Implication In 2024. Vaibhav Gupta, Director, MKU Ltd.
1230 – 1245 hrs Advanced integrated applications utilizing high definition format IR detectors. Ram Biron, Director of Marketing, SCD, Israel.
1245 – 1300 hrs Assisted & Automated Surveillance. Sandeep Shah, Managing Director, Optimized Electrotech.
1300 – 1315 hrs Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries for Military Devices. Abhinav Gupta, Managing Director, SES.
1315 – 1330 hrs Products and Solutions in Electro-optics. Vinod Yadav, Head-Technical (Optronics & Computing Platforms), Tata Advanced Systems Limited
1330 – 1345 hrs Complete Solutions for Next-Generation Electro-Optical Systems. Ramakrishna Siddam, General Manager, Optica.
1345 – 1430 – 1415 Lunch & exhibition.
Session 2 contd
1430 – 1445 Q&A/ Discussion.
Chairperson: Air Vice Mshl Rajiva Ranjan, ACAS Ops (Space), Air HQ
1445 – 1500 hrs Introduction and Opening Remarks by the Chairman.
1500 – 1515 hrs UAV sensor payloads for persistent surveillance. Col Jasbir Sing Mann, Army Aviation Directorate
1515 – 1530 hrs Space-based ISR for early warning. Wg Cdr Aruna Singh, DIPAC, Defence Space Agency
1530 – 1545 hrs Latest developments and requirements for Tactical Recce (EO, SAR, IR Search). Speaker from DG Ops Air, Air HQ.
1545 – 1600 hrs Need to augment airborne surveillance (AEWS). Speaker from DG Ops Air, Air HQ.
1600 – 1615 hrs Intelligence Gathering with EO Sensors for Today’s Missions. Dr Manvendra Singh, Sc G, IRDE, DRDO.
1615 – 1630 hrs Q&A/ Discussion.
Chairperson: Cmde Ashish Bhargava, Cmde Air Warfare & Flight Safety, Naval HQ
1630 – 1645 hrs Introduction and Opening Remarks by the Chairman.
1645 – 1700 hrs Surveillance against aerial, surface and underwater threats. Comdt VD Singh, Jt Dir Communications, Indian Coast Guard.
1700 – 1715 hrs Facets of Maritime Surveillance. Cdr K Varun, Cdr (AW), ACNS (Air), Naval HQ.
1715 – 1725 hrs Closing Address. Maj Gen (Dr) Ashok Kumar, VSM, Retd, Director General, CENJOWS
1725 – 1730 hrs Vote of Thanks. Maj Ravi Arora, Retd, Chief Editor Indian Military Review.
1730 hrs Refreshments and close.

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