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Military Simulation, Wargaming and Virtual Reality Training for the Indian Armed Forces
As the Indian armed forces modernise and induct new platforms and complex surveillance and delivery means, the need to transform training philosophy, modify and improve the present training infrastructure and methods, introduce new training technologies to save costs and get better results in terms of skill sets and efficiency has never been greater. The demand for simulators, software-based training aids and alternatives to using expensive methods of training is growing.
The Indian armed forces are pursuing the idea of wargaming, simulators and high cost training aids with the seriousness that they deserve. Until a few years ago, they could not afford the luxury of such aids. The inventory was rudimentary – manual driving simulators, pyrotechnics, indoor ranges, manual jury-based wargames, sand model wargaming and so on.
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Today, the armed forces boast of full motion cockpit simulators, computer assisted wargames, virtual battlefield modelling and so on. The questions to be asked are - Has it improved efficiency and combat capabilities? Have we done enough? And are we laying enough emphasis on wargaming and simulation?
Due to the low training costs and superior accuracy in measuring the training, objectives are propelling the adoption of ground-based simulators, thereby increasing the growth of ground segment.
In the next 15 years the Indian armed forces are likely to spend Rs 80,000-100,000 crores ($14-18 billion) on training and related activities. The market for simulation and training systems will definitely be witnessing a robust growth year-by-year offering lucrative opportunities to both local and foreign vendors.
Based on platform, the global military simulation and virtual training market is segmented into flight simulation, battlefield, vehicle, and virtual reality. Global military simulation and virtual training market is projected to grow at CAGR around 4.0% and reach $15.12 bn by 2026. The virtual training segment is also expected to grow at considerable rate due to the increasing investments in the modernization of the military and rising internal and external security threats.
At present, a major part of the Indian defence simulation and training market is captured by very few established public and private players comprising of DRDO, Zen Technologies, CAE India, BEL, HAL, BDL and Alpha Design Technologies. The space is wide open for many private players.
Simulated Training
The most cost-effective methodology for training is simulated training. This creates a realistic environment to generate near-real responses to various contingencies as well as handling of complex weapon systems, without the need to go outdoors and use operational equipment. It also saves transportation costs and ammunition.
Sustained training and a better grasp of next-generation equipment with new technologies is required. Emphasis is on enhancement of technical levels, dual-trade training, multi-tasking and training the trainers. Modern methods of training are being introduced with enhanced use of simulators.
Computerised wargames are an excellent means to simulate as-close-as-possible scenarios and conditions of war through a system of capability ratios, multiplication factors, movement tables, random numbers and so on. But the armed forces lack quantified data, compilation of which is a scientific process involving great deal of study and research.
The biggest challenge is access and affordability. State-of-the-art computing requires that simulators be large dedicated systems residing in specialised facilities.
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Objectives of the Seminar
• Bring together industry, government and military professionals working on weapons and aerospace simulators, wargaming, Network Centric Warfare simulation, communications modeling, and human machine interfaces and virtual reality.
• Bring together the military training community to understand the requirements, work being done in industry and evaluate latest technologies on offer.
• Provide a forum to the armed forces to project their requirements and interface with industry for better understanding.
• Provide an opportunity to industry to present their capabilities.
• Expose delegates to the latest technology that will affect the future of training and simulation solutions.
Session 1 - Inaugural Session (0930 - 1040 hrs)
0930 – 0940 hrs Welcome Address. Lt Gen Sunil Srivastava, AVSM, VSM**, Director, CENJOWS.
0940 – 0955 hrs Inaugural Address. Lt Gen TSA Narayanan, AVSM, Commandant MCEME
0955 – 1015 hrs Keynote Address. Air Mshl Narmdeshwar Tiwari, VM, Deputy Chief of Air Staff.
1015 – 1025 hrs “Use of Simulators in the Indian Navy”. Capt Amit Sood, Captain (Naval Training), Naval HQ.
1025 – 1040 hrs Industry Perspective. Col KV Kuber, Director Defence & Aerospace, Ernst & Young
Session 2 - Emerging Technologies & Industry Presentations (1045 – 1200 hrs)
Chairman: Maj Gen VM Chandran, VSM, MG Doctrine, HQ Army Training Command
1045 – 1055 hrs Introduction of panelists and Chairman's opening remarks
1055 – 1110 hrs COTS (Commercial-off-the-shelf) Applications for Military Simulation and Training. Mr Ravi Kiran Y, VP- Strategy & Sales Operations EDS Technologies.
1110 – 1125 hrs “Framework for Simulators in the Armed Forces.” Gp Capt Sanjay Chopra, VM, Gp Capt FS, HQ IDS
1125 – 1140 hrs “Simulator projects undertaken by SDD” Brig Sandeep Chaudhary, VSM**, Comdt, SDD
1140 – 1155 hrs TBA
1155 – 1215 hrs Panel discussion.
Session 3 - Research & Development (1230 – 1340 hrs)
Chairman:. Maj Gen Ajay Ohri, SM, former Addl DG Infantry
1230 – 1240 hrs Introduction of panelists and Chairman's talk
1240 – 1255 hrs Sh Sumant Mukherjee, Sc G, Institute for Systems Studies & Analyses, DRDO. “Modelling, Simulation, Systems Analysis for Defence Application.”
1255 – 1310 hrs Sh Magesh G, Scientist F, ADE, DRDO. “Simulators for Aerospace Applications”
1310 – 1325 hrs Sh A Shenbagamoorthy, Sc F, Combat Vehicles R&D Establishment, DRDO. "Simulators for Armoured Fighting Vehciles"
1325 – 1340 hrs Questions & Answers
Session 4 - Wargaming & Land Systems Simulators (1430 – 1530 hrs)
Chairman: Maj Gen Deepak Oberoi, ADG Artillery Dte, Army HQ.
1430 – 1440 hrs Introduction of panelists and Chairman's opening remarks
1440 – 1455 hrs Brig Rohan Anand, Comdt, WARDEC. Current and Future Computerised Wargaming in IA.”
1455 – 1510 hrs Maj Gen Ajay Ohri, former ADG Infantry. "Infantry Simulators - Present and Future.”
1510 – 1525 hrs Col Ashish Shandil, Colonel Arty-3, Artillery Directorate. "Artillery Training Simulators.”
1525 – 1540 hrs Maj Gen Subodh Kumar, former ADG AAD Dte, "Simulators Required by the Corps of Army Air Defence.”
1540 – 1600 hrs Q&A/ Discussion.
Session 5 - Flight and Naval Simulators (1600 – 1700 hrs)
Chairman: AVM Ashutosh Dixit, VM, VSM, ACAS (Plans), Air HQ.
1600 – 1610 hrs Introduction of panelists and Chairman's opening remarks
1610 – 1625 hrs “Air Force Flight and non-flight Simulators” Gp Capt Rajneesh Kumar, Dir DAMS, Air HQ.
1625 – 1640 hrs “Ship Handling & Damage Control Simulators” Lt Cdr Lehar Singhal, DNBCD Dte, , Naval HQ.
1640 – 1655 hrs Q & A/ Discussion
1655 – 1705 hrs Closing Remarks. Lt Gen Sunil Srivastava, AVSM, VSM**, Director CENJOWS.
1705 – 1710 hrs Vote of Thanks. Maj Gen Ravi Arora, Chief Editor Indian Military Review
Video Replay of Day 1 Proceedings

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